Alessandra Caggiano
P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, Italy
Research Interests:
Industry 4.0, Sensor monitoring of manufacturing processes, 3D metrology and reverse engineering, Digital Factory, Cloud Manufacturing
- Alessandra Caggiano is Assistant Professor of Manufacturing Technology and Systems at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II.
- Since 2010 she is Research Fellow of the Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory of Excellence on Advanced Production Technology, Fh - J_LEAPT, Naples.
- Her research activity is mainly focused on advanced manufacturing technology and systems, in particular on digital factory technologies, intelligent sensor monitoring of manufacturing processes, 3D metrology and reverse engineering.
- She participated in several national (MIUR) and international (EC FP7) research projects with academic and industrial partners.
- She has been Research Affiliate Member of the International Academy for Production Engineering - CIRP (2008-14) and Junior Member of the Italian Association for Mechanical Technology - AITeM, Italy.
- She has been member of International Conference Organising Committees and
- she was Chair of the 3rd CIRP Global Web Conference on Production Engineering Research: Advancement beyond state of the art - CIRPe2014, 3-5 June 2014.
- She authored and co-authored papers included in international and national conference proceedings and scientific articles published in international journals, and she contributed to the CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering - CIRPedia.
- She has been winner of the AITeM Call for Grants supporting young scientists in 2012, 2013, 2014 and of the “HP Women and Technology Award” for her master thesis in 2008.