Tiziana Segreto
P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Naples, ITALY
Research Interests:
Sensor monitoring of manufacturing processes, advanced nondestructive evaluation, 3D metrology and reverse engineering
- Tiziana Segreto studied at the University of Naples Federico II where she received the M.Sc. Degree in Mathematical Sciences.
- In December 2006 she obtained the PhD degree in Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering - PhD Programme on Intelligent Technologies and Systems for Production Automation - from the University of Naples Federico II defending her PhD Thesis on “Intelligent Computing Models and Techniques for Manufacturing Processes”.
- At the moment, she works as Doctoral Research Assistant at the Department of Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II.
- Her research interests are focused on sensor monitoring of manufacturing processes, advanced nondestructive evaluation, 3D metrology and reverse engineering.