Fatma Mady
Faculty of Pharmacy, El-Minia University, Minia, Egypt.
College of pharmacy, Taibah University, AL-Madinah AL-Munawarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Research Interests:
Pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology Nanotechnology Microencapsulation Pharmacokinetics
Academic appointment:
- Appointed as a demonstrator at the dept. of Pharmaceutics (Faculty of Pharmacy, El-Minia University) based on the approval of the university council beginning from 1998.
- Appointed as an assistant lecturer at the dept. of Pharmaceutics (Faculty of Pharmacy, El-Minia University) based on the approval of the university council beginning from 2003.
- Appointed as a lecturer at the dept. of Pharmaceutics (Faculty of Pharmacy, El-Minia University) based on the approval of the university council beginning from 2010 until now.
- Appointed as Assistant professor in Ibn Sina College of pharmacy from 2011 -2012.
- Appointed as Assistant professor and head of department of pharmaceutics, female section, in Taibah University from 2013 until now.
Courses and workshops held in Taibah University, AL-Madinah AL-Munawarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
- The Web of Science, ISI web of knowledge training workshops, February 2016.
- Turnitin & iThenticate Training workshop, November 2015.
- Scientific integrity in scientific research workshop, November 2015. - Creative teaching workshop, October 2015.
- Academic advising workshop, September 2014.
- Course Specification workshop, October 2015 - Course report workshop, October 2015.
- Best Practices for writing and analyzing Exams workshop, March 2016.
- Management of personal electronic websites workshop, April 2016.
Academic activities:
- Collaborated in preparing and establishing the bylaws of Pharmaceutics Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, El-Minia University (Bachelor Degree of Pharmaceutical Sciences), 1999.
- Collaborated in designing the courses of Pharmaceutics Department Faculty of Pharmacy, El-Minia University and its specifications (Bachelor Degree of Pharmaceutical Sciences).
- Collaborated in preparing course specifications and course reports for pharmaceutics courses (Bachelor and Pharm D degrees), 2013-2016, Faculty of Pharmacy, Taibah University, KSA.
- Participating in Assuit conference 2002 with a paper of my work in the Master degree under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sayed Ismail, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim El Gibaly and Dr. Susan El-Harras.
- Studying scholarship for PhD degree for 2 years in Kumamoto University, Japan from 2008-2010.
- Participation in The Asian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS) Conference, October 2009 in Fukuoka, Japan and Achieving the AFPS Nagai-Shukri Pre-Doctoral Award for the best oral presentation.
- Participation in 130th Conference of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan in Okayama, Japan, March 2010 with an oral presentation.
- Supervising some graduation projects in Faculty of Pharmacy, Taibah University in three successive years since 2013-2016.
- Attending the webinar titles: European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics- "Accelerating development for challenging compounds: Bioavailability enhancement by assessing multiple technologies in parallel" on 20 January 2016.
- Attending the webinar titles: "Advances In Manufacturing Technology" on 6 December 2016
- Attending the webinar titled: Catalent Pharma Solutions – "Overcoming Barriers to Non-invasive Delivery of Macromolecules" on 7/12/2016.
- Getting a fund of 83295 SR for a project granted by Scientific Research Deanship, Taibah University, KSA, 2014.
- Getting a fund of 65000 SR for a project granted by Scientific Research Deanship, Taibah University, KSA, 2015.
- Attending the 4th FUE international conference of pharmaceutical sciences on 31Jan-2 Feb 2017 by an accepted poster presentation.
- El-Gibaly I., El-Harras S.A., Ismail S., Mady F.M. In-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride tableted microparticles as a controlled release dosage form, Alexandria Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, March 2004, Vol. 18 (1): page 47-61.
- Mady F.M., Abo-Taleb A., Khalid K.A., Yamazaki K., Iohara D., Anraku M., Hirayama F., Uekama K., Otagiri M. Evaluation of carboxymethyl-beta-cyclodextrin with acid function: improvement of chemical stability, oral bioavailability and bitter taste of famotidine. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2010, 397 (1-2): page 1-8.
- Mady F.M., Abo-Taleb A., Khalid K.A., Yamazaki K., Iohara D., Ishiguro T., Hirayama F., Uekama K., Otagiri M. Enhancement of the aqueous solubility and masking the bitter taste of famotidine using drug/SBE-beta-CyD/povidone K30 complexation approach. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Oct. 2010, Vol. 99, issue 10: page 4285-4294.
- Anraku M., Arahira M., Mady F.M., Khalid K.A., Yamazaki K., Seo H., Imai T, Otagiri M. Enhancement of dissolution and bioavailability of flurbiprofen by low molecular weight chitosans. Die Pharmazie, Jul. 2010, 65 (7): page 461-466.
- Shaban M.A., Mady F.M., Shaker M. Imipenem/Cilastatin Encapsulated Nanoparticles for Destroying Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumonia. Journal of nanobiotechnology, 2017: 15-29
- Mady F.M., Farghaly U. Experimental, molecular docking investigations and bioavailability study on the inclusion complexes of Finasteride and cyclodextrin derivatives. Drug Design Development and Therapy, 2017, 11: 1681-1692.
- Mady F.M., Abdel-Wahab M. Gum-alginate mucoadhesive microspheres for controlled Metformin release. (submitted).
- Mady F.M., Essa H., AbdelKader H., Hussein A.K., Ammawi T. Formulation and clinical evaluation of silymarin pluronic-lecithin organogels for treatment of atopic dermatitis. Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 2016, 10: 1101-1110.
- Ahmed O.A., Hussein A.K., Mady F.M., Optimization of Microstructured Biodegradable Finasteride Formulation for Depot Parenteral Application. Journal of microencapsulation, 2016, 33, issue 3: 229-238.