Senior Researcher,
CNR-Research National Council of Italy at IPCB,
Institute of Polymers,
Composites and Biomaterials,
Naples ( Italy).
Zarrelli Mauro
Via Delle Pigne,
16 - 82030 Melizzano (BN),
Research Interests:
- Composites
- Nano composites
- Nanomaterial
- Nanotechnology
Work Experience:
- Gen08 – present Senior Researcher, CNR-Research National Council of Italy at IPCB-Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials, Naples ( Italy)
- Mag.05-Gen.08 Temporary Research for the Institute of Composite and Biomedical Materials, National Research Council (CNR), Napoli (IT)
- Apr.05- Apr. 05 Contract Researcher "Study of performance and process parameter for advanced composite Materials" within the project SMART for Advanced Composite Material of Institute of Composite and Biomedical Materials of CNR (Research National Council) ()
- Mag.04 – Mag.05 Start-up Engineer, TECHNIP-ITALY Spa (Roma) - Ras Laffan, Doha (Qatar
- Apr.02 – Apr.04 Senior Research Engineer, Italian Aerospace Research Centre – C.I.R.A. (Capua, IT) Scpa
- 1999-Apr.2002 Assistant Research, Advanced Materials Department, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire