Mervat Sadak
National Research Centre, Botany Department, Al-Behooth Street, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt Fax: (202)3370931
Research Interests:
Physiological Processes, Plants, Antioxidant Activity, Comparative Physiology, Physiological Adaptation, Environmental Stresses, Plant Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Physiology
- The physiological effectiveness of signal molecule salicylic acid and its nanoparticles on quality and quantity of Pisum sativum L. plants
- Roles of cardiac glycosides in improving growth and productivity of salt-stressed flax plants
- Exogenous Calcium Reinforces Photosynthetic Pigment Content and Osmolyte, Enzymatic, and Non-Enzymatic Antioxidants Abundance and Alleviates Salt Stress in Bread Wheat
- Amino acids foliar application for maximizing growth, productivity and quality of peanut grown under sandy soil