Iran, Islamic Republic of
Department of Mechanical Engineering of Biosystems,
Jahrom University.
Ehsan Houshyar
24th Hafez Street,
Shiraz, Fars,
Research Interests:
Environmental Engineering, Ecological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Energy Economics, Green Economics.
- Houshyar, E., Grundmann, P., 2017. Environmental impacts of energy use in wheat tillage systems: A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) study in Iran. Energy, 122: 11-24.
- Houshyar, E., Smith, P., Mahmoodi-Eshkaftaki, M., Azadi, H., 2017. Sustainability of wheat production in Southwest Iran: A fuzzy-GIS based evaluation by ANFIS. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 3: 1327682.
- Mahmoodi-Eshkaftaki, M., Ebrahimi, R., Ghanbarian, D., Houshyar, E., 2017. Geometric characterization of moldboard plough using coupled close photography and surface fitting model. Soil & Tillage Research, 170: 122-129.
- Zarafshani, K., Ghasemi, Sh., Houshyar, E. Ghanbari, R., Van Passel, S., Azadi, H., 2017. Canola Adoption Enhancement in Western Iran. J. Agr. Sci. Tech. 19: 47-58.
- Houshyar, E., Zareifard, H. R., Grundmann, P., Smith, P., 2016. Determining efficiency of energy input for silage corn production: An econometric approach. Energy, 93: 2166-2174.
- Houshyar, E., Dalgaard, T., Tarazkar, M.H., Jorgensen, U., 2015. Energy Input for Tomato production: What Economy says, and what is good for the environment. Journal of cleaner production: 89, 99-109.
- Houshyar, E., SheikhDavoodi M.J., Almassi M., Bahrami, H., Azadi H., Omidi, M., Sayyad, G., Witlox F., 2014. Silage Corn Production in Conventional and Conservation Tillage Systems. Part I: Sustainability Analysis Using Combination of GIS/AHP and Multi-Fuzzy. Modeling. Ecological Indicators, 39, 102-114.
- Azadi H, Houshyar E, Zarafshani K, Hosseininia G, Witlox F. 2013. Agricultural Outsourcing: A Two-Headed Coin?. Global and Planetary Change, 100: 20-27.
- Kiani S, Houshyar E. 2013. Sustainability of Rainfed Wheat Production: A Case Study in Southwest Iran Using Fuzzy Modeling. International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences, 2(21): 944-948.
- Houshyar E, Azadi H, Almassi M, Sheikh Davoodi MJ,Witlox F. 2012. Sustainable and efficient energy consumption of corn production in Southwest Iran: Combination of MultiFuzzy and DEA Modeling. Energy, 44(1): 672-681.