Yaseen Mohd
Cent Inst Med & Aromat Plants, Dept Agron, Lucknow 226015, Uttar Pradesh, India
Research Interests:
Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides); Intercropping; Land equivalent ratio; Land use efficiency; Relative net return; Economics
- Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides L.) is a high value essential oil crop, used as fixative in perfumery and cosmetic industries.
- Besides, the crop is also used to check soil erosion, water conservation, and reclamation of salt affected soils.
- Being vetiver a wider spaced crop with a long initial lag phase, thus the only option to sustain its productivity is intercropping.
- In a field experiment conducted during July, 2010-February, 2012 and July, 2012-February, 2014 at Lucknow, 13 cropping systems: sole crop of each of vetiver, sweet basil-radish-Tagetes minuta, black gram-clarysage, kalmegh-garlic, okra-radish-geranium, pigeon pea-menthol mint, maize-radish-onion and intercropping of above cropping sequences with vetiver were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications.
- Intercropping of sweet basil-radish-T. minuta with vetiver during rainy and winter seasons though reduced vetiver oil yield by 16.7% but was highly productive in terms of land equivalent ratio (1.54), land use efficiency (130%) and relative net return (1.35) and a net return of US$ 4801.7 ha(-1) followed by intercropping of maize-radish-onion with vetiver.
- The system also gave about 35% more profit over the sole cropping of vetiver. ( C) 2014 Elsevier B.V