Department of Technical and Soil Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
Rusu Teodor
Department of Technical and Soil Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Research Interests:
Rural development, soil conservation systems for a sustainable agriculture, anti-erosion systems, minimum soil tillage, no-tillage, carbon sequestration, Integrated control of weeds and correct use of herbicides., Weed biology and ecology, weed assessment., Crop rotation and differentiated agrotechnics., Laboratory field research methods for evaluation of physical, hidrophysical, agrochemical and agrobiological features of soil.
- 2013, memer, European Society of Soil Conservation (ESSC)
- 2013, member, Italo-Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine (SILAE)
- 2012, present, President Br. Transylvania Romanian National Society of Soil Science (SNRSS) - http://snrsstransilvania.usamvcluj.ro
- 2010, member, European Geosciences Union (EGU)
- 2004, Director: Research Center: Minimal Systems and Sustainable Agricultural Technologies – SMTAD.
- 2004, member, International Union of Soil Sciences – IUSS, www.iuss.org.
- 2003, member, The Society for Ecological Agriculture - SAE
- 2000, member, ISTRO – International Soil Tillage Research Organization, www.istro.org
- 1997, member, National Society for Weed Study and Control – SNRCSB member European Weed Research Society (EWRS), www.ewrs.org
- 1994, member, Romanian National Society for Soil Sciences – SNRSS, member ISSS – International Society of Soil Science, www.isss.org