Mboko Byamungu Freddy, Paizanos Aketi Loukia, Diayisu Shiku Joseph, Nzuzi Bemba Joëlle, Kevaani Lepira Rosette, Kifutu Matula Irène, Tshitona Kaluli Éric, Epidemio-Clinical Profile of Acute Diarrhea in Children From 0 To 5 Years and Prevalence of Rotavirus Before and After the Introduction of the Rotasiil Vaccine in the Democratic Republic of Congo., Journal of Diseases, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 15-24, ISSN 2997-1977, https://doi.org/10.14302/issn.2997-1977.jd-23-4588. (https://oap-bioscience.orgjd/article/1984) Keywords: Diarrhea; after and before vaccine Rotavirus; Kinshasa; DRC.