South Africa
Department of Integrative,
Biomedical Sciences,
Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine,
University of Cape town.
(+27) 728875777. (+27) 21 406 6058/6176
Emile Chimusa
UCT Computational Biology Group,
Room N1.05,
Werner Beit North Building Basement,
Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine,
Anzio Rd,
7925, Cape Town, South Africa.
Research Interests:
1. Genetic variation and human evolution, with particular interest in understanding the genetic diversity of African populations and multi-way mixed ancestry populations.
2. Functional components of heritability and heritability of human traits using next generation sequencing.
3. Generation and analysis of biological functional interaction networks.
4. Disease mapping in structured and mixed ancestry populations.
5. Common versus rare variant architectures of complex traits.
6. Computational approach for genomics association of drug/dosage responses, and genetics adaptation of human microbiomes.
7. Computational methods for the evolution of the diseases and their management.
8. Computational personalized genomic.
- I am a mathematical population geneticist whose research focuses on analysing genome wide patterns of variation within and between species to address fundamental questions in biology, anthropology, and medicine.
- I am Senior Lecturer at the division of Human Genetics,IDM, Department of pathology within the University of Cape Town. Publications
- Mugo, J.W., Geza, E., Defo, J., Elsheikh, S.S., Mazandu, G.K., Mulder, N.J. and Chimusa, E.R., 2017. A Multi-scenario Genome-Wide Medical Population Genetics Simulation Framework. Bioinformatics.
- Gaston K. Mazandu , Emile R. Chimusa, Kayleigh Rutherford, Elsa-Gayle Zekeng, Zoe Z. Gebremariam Maryam Y. Onifade and Nicola J. Mulder. (2017) Large-scale data-driven integrative framework for extracting essential targets and processes from disease-associated gene data sets. Brief Bioinform bbx052. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbx052.
- Victor Jongeneel, Ph.D.; Ovokeraye Achinike-Oduaran; Ezekiel Adebiyi; Marion Adebiyi; Seun Adeyemi; Bola Akanle; Shaun Aron; Efejiro Ashano; Hocine Bendou; Gerrit Botha; Emile R. Chimusa; Ananyo Chowdhury; Ravikiran Donthu; Jenny Drnevich; Oluwadamila Falola; Christopher J Fields; Scott Hazelhurst; Liesl Mary Hendry; Itunuoluwa Isewon; Radhika S Khetani; Judit Kumuthini; Magambo Phillip Kimuda; Lerato Magosi; Liudmila Sergeevna Mainzer; Suresh Maslamoney; Mamana Mbiyavanga; Ayton Meintjes; Danny Mugutso; Phelelani Mpangase; Richard Munthali; Victoria Nembaware; Andrew Ndhlovu; Trust Odia; Adaobi Okafor; Olaleye Oladipo; Sumir Panji; Venesa Pillay; Gloria Rendon; Dhriti Sengupta; Nicola Mulder (2017) Assessing Computational Genomics Skills: Our Experience in the H3ABioNet African Bioinformatics Network Short title: H3ABioNet Node Assessment Exercise. PLOS Comp. Biol.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005419.
- Geard, A., Pule, G.D., Chetcha Chemegni, B., Ngo Bitoungui, V.J., Kengne, A.P., Chimusa, E.R. and Wonkam, A., 2017. Clinical and genetic predictors of renal dysfunctions in sickle cell anaemia in Cameroon. British Journal of Haematology.
- Mulder, N.J., Adebiyi, E., Adebiyi, M., Adeyemi, S., Ahmed, A., Ahmed, R., Akanle, B., Alibi, M., Armstrong, D.L., Aron, S. and Ashano, E., ,Chimusa ER. 2017. Development of Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Genomics Research in H3Africa. Global heart.
- Lebeko, K., Manyisa, N., Chimusa, E.R., Mulder, N., Dandara, C. and Wonkam, A., 2017. A Genomic and Protein-Protein Interaction Analyses of Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment in Cameroon Using Targeted Genomic Enrichment and Massively Parallel Sequencing. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology.