Subbiah Rammohan Chitra
Chennai, India
Research Interests:
Ferrofluids, Heat Transfer, Fluid, Antibacterials, Magnetic Properties, Magnetic Materials and Magnetism, Magnetization, Nanomaterials, Thermal Engineering
- Facile Synthesis of Cu2+ doped ZnO via Thermal Spreading method: A Dual Role to Photocatalyst for Organic Dye Amaranth and Photoluminescence for Blue-Green Emission
- Heat transfer characteristics of transformer oil/DIW-based nickel-substituted magnesium manganese nanoferrofluid flowing through straight tubes and helical coils
- Theoretical Investigation on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Methods
- Research on Thermal Studies of Nanofluids related to their Applications
- Experimental Investigations on Dielectric Fluids Behavior in High-Power Transformers
- Experimental studies from FT-IR with TG-DTA analysis of ferrites