No 37 Guoxue Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China 610041
Research Interests:
Nurses working lives and health; mental health nursing; chronic disease management
Educational Experiences
Sep 01, 2011-June 30, 2014 Ph. D. in Nursing
West China School of Nursing, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
Supervisor: Xiaolian Jiang, Ph.D.
Thesis: “A hospital-community collaborated healthcare program for older patients with coronary heart disease in China: a randomized controlled trialâ€
Sep 01, 2008-June 30, 2011 M.D. in Nursing
School of Nursing, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China
Supervisor: Xiaohong Liu, M.D.
Thesis:“The mediating effect of professional self-concept between professional identification and burnout among hospital nurses in Mainland Chinaâ€
Oct 2013 National Scholarship: The Chinese Ministries of Education and Finance
Awarded to outstanding doctoral students to perform present research ($5,000)
Oct 2013 Outstanding doctor of Sichuan Province
Oct 2013 Outstanding doctor of Sichuan University
Jun 2011
Oct 2010 Outstanding graduate of Second Military Medical University
Second-class scholarship of Second Military Medical University
Research Experiences
Nurses’ work lives and health
Sep 01, 2009-Apr 30, 2010 Second Military Medical University
Studied the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of nurses' self-concept questionnaire, and explored the mediating effect of professional self-concept between professional identification and burnout among hospital nurses in Shanghai, China
Jun 01, 2013-May 31, 2014 Sichuan University
Examined the reciprocal relationships among perceived organisational support, professional self-concept, organisational commitment and burnout in Chinese community health nurses
Mar 01, 2016-Mar 31, 2016 Sichuan University
Examined the relationships among resilience, social support, compassion fatigue and work engagement among Chinese nurses working in hemodialysis centers
Disaster Nursing
Dec 01, 2009-Jan 31, 2010 Sichuan University
Examined perceived family functioning and its predictors in disaster bereaved individuals 18 months after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake
Investigated perceived family functioning and depression in bereaved parents, and explored the effects of demographic characteristics, disaster-affected variables and perceived family functioning on depression 18 months after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake
May 13, 2010-May 31, 2010 Sichuan University
Investigated the prevalence of psychological distress in survivors 60 years old and older by sex and analysed risk factors for psychological distress in male and female older survivors 2 years after the Sichuan earthquake
Chronic disease management
Dec 01, 2012-Sep 30, 2013 Sichuan University
Developed a hospital-community collaborated health care program on patients with coronary heart diseases and evaluated its effectiveness in Mainland China
Jan 01, 2014-Jue 30, 2015
Developed a community-based health education program on older patients with high readmission rates and tested its effects in Mainland China
Jan 01, 2015-Jue 30, 2016 Explored the longitudinal changes of symptom burden and health-related quality of life in older patients on hemodialysis in Mainland China
Jan 01, 2015-Dec 31, 2016 Examined the trajectory of symptom clusters and quality of life in patients with hemodialysis
Jan 01, 2017-present Explored the effectiveness of establishing community-based hemodialysis centers in Sichuan province of China
Research Interests
Nurses’ working lives and health; mental health nursing; chronic disease management
Journal Papers
1. Cao X, Chen L, Tian L & Diao Y (2015). Effect of professional self-concept on burnout among community health nurses in China: the mediating role of organizational commitment. Journal of Clinical Nursing 24(19-20): 2907-2915. Doi: 10.1111/jocn.12915.
2. Cao X, Chen L, Tian L & Diao Y (2016). The effect of perceived organizational support on burnout among community health nurses in China: the mediating role of professional self-concept. Journal of Nursing Management 24(1): E77-86. Doi: 10.1111/jonm.12292.
3. Cao X, Liu X, Tian L & Guo Y (2013). The reliability and validity of the Chinese version of nurses' self-concept questionnaire. Journal of Nursing Management 21(4): 657-667. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2012.01419.x.
4. Cao X, Chen L, Diao Y, Tian L, Liu W & Jiang X (2015). Validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the care transition measure. PLoS One 10(5): e0127403. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127403.
5. Cao X, Jiang X, Li X, Hui Lo M & Li R (2013). Family functioning and its predictors among disaster bereaved individuals in China: eighteen months after the Wenchuan earthquake. PLoS One 8(4): e60783. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060738.
6. Cao X, Jiang X, Li X, Hui Lo M, Li R & Dou X (2013). Perceived family functioning and depression in bereaved parents in China after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 27(4): 204-209. Doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2013.04.001.
7. Cao X, Jiang X, Li S, Pang S, Cheng Y & Tian L (2014). The prevalence and risk factors for psychological distress in male and female older people affected by the Wenchuan earthquake. Australasian Journal on Ageing 33(3): E20-26. Doi: 10.1111/ajag.12039.
8. Cao X, Chen L, Tian L & Jiang X (2015). Psychological distress and health-related quality of life in relocated and non-relocated older survivors after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Asian Nursing Research 9(4): 271-277. Doi: 10.1016/j.anr.2015.04.008.
9. Hu X, Cao X, Wang H, Chen Q, Liu MQ & Yamamoto A (2015). Probable post-traumatic stress disorder and its predictors in disaster bereaved survivors: a longitudinal study after the Sichuan earthquake. Doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2015.08.011. (Co-first author)
10. Cao XY, Tian L, Chen L & Jiang XL (2017). Effects of a hospital-community partnership transitional program in patients with coronary heart disease in Chengdu, China: A randomized controlled trial. Jpn J Nurs Sci. 2017 Feb 1. doi: 10.1111/jjns.12160.
11. Cao X, Tian L & Chen L (2016). Symptom clusters in patients receiving hemodialysis: a systematic review of observational studies. J Clin Nurs. 2016 Nov 10. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13644.
1. Zhong Q, Jiang X, Cao X, et al (2016). Disaster Nursing. People’s Medical Publishing House, Language: Chinese.
2. Liu X, Cao X, et al (2015). Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Shanghai Science & Technology Publishing House. Language: Chinese.
3. Xu Y, Liu X, Cao X, et al (2010). Improvement of Quality of Life in Patients with Cancer. People’s Military Medical Press. Language: Chinese.
Visiting Scholar Experiences
April 01, 2016-Jun 30, 2016 School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
April 01, 2017-March 31, 2018 School of Nursing, The University of Tokyo