Queen's Medical Centre
Malcolm Day
A Floor Corridor
Queen's Medical Centre
Research Interests:
- Nursing
- Nursing Education
- Education Research
- I have had over 40 years experience as a manager, practitioner and educator in the field of health and social Care. I am registered with the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council as an Adult Nurse and Nursing Lecturer/Practice Educator. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
- My higher education teaching experience includes: Senior Lecturer in Nursing at Sheffield University; Part-Time Lecturer in Social Policy and Community Care at Huddersfield University; and Honorary Lecturer in Care Management at Greenwich University.
- My international teaching experience includes: Visiting Lecturer Centre for Education and Work University Manitoba, Visiting Lecturer Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland; Consultant in Competence Based Education Douglas College in Vancouver; APL Adviser Centre for Higher Education Studies Durban University of Technology; Visiting Lecturer School of Nursing University Natal, RPL Specialist Faculty of Education University of Zululand in South Africa.
- My experience in education consultancy includes: Chief Education Policy Advisor to the Canadian Technology Human Resources Board; Researcher to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada; RPL Consultant to Saskatchewan Health Sector Partnership; RPL Consultant to US AID and the United Negro College Fund.
My external examiner experience includes:
- Accredited examiner with the English National Board for Nursing and Midwifery.
- Examiner to the HNC and Foundation Degree in Care at Greenwich University.
- Examiner to the BSc and MSc Education Pathway at Hull University;
- Examiner to FD in Early Years and Child Care Plymouth University Colleges.
- Examiner to the BA (Hons) in Health and Social Care Liverpool John Moore's University.
- Examiner to the BA (Hons) in Health and Social Care University Chester
I am an established author in health and social care and work based learning. I have written the following books:
- The Role of the Health Care Worker. Campion Press;
- The Role of the NVQ Assessor. Campion Press.
- Assessment of Prior Learning: A Practitioners Guide. First Edition.Nelson Thornes;
- Supporting People in their Own Homes. Pavilion Press;
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults. OLM- Pavilion ;
- Caring for the Person with Dementia. OLM-Pavilion;
- Supporting the individual at end of life. OLM-Pavilion.
- Nutrition and Well-being for Vulnerable Adults. 2nd Edition. OLM -Pavilion;
- Assessment of Prior Learning: A Practitioners Guide. 2nd Edition. Cengage.
- Caring for the Older Person. 3rd Edition. Pavilion Press;
I was co-researcher to: "Utiliising Occupational Standards as a complement to the Nursing Curriculum" which was funded by the NHS Management Executive to the sum of £22,000. In addition, I have been a Lead Investigator to the following studies:
- The factors that might enhance or inhibit the use of occupational standards within the health care curriculum, which was funded by the NHS Management Executive to the sum of £18,000
- The National Canadian PLA Benchmarking Study, which was funded by Human Resources Development Canada to the sum of $250,000 CAD.
- The Canadian "Technofile" project, which was funded by the Canadian Technology Human Resources Board in Ottawa to the sum of $80,000 CAD.
- The TOPS/RNHA Registered Manager's Award Project, which was funded by TOPS (now Skills for Care) to the sum of £80,000 CAD.
- The Canadian Adult Learner Friendly Institutions Study which, was funded by Human Resources Skills Development Canada to the sum of $250,000 CAD.
- The pre- registration nursing APL project, school of nursing, Nottingham University £10,000.
I am the recipient of the following scholarships and awards:
- Two British Council Professional Exchange Awards to progress Competence Based and Prior Learning Assessment within the Province of British Columbia, Canada.
- United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation (UNCFSP). Tertiary Linkages Project 11. Contract no. 674-C-00-03-00014-00 to develop and progress Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in 4 newly emerging universities of technology throughout South Africa.