Colin Ockleford
Lancaster University,
Furness Building,
LA1 4YG,
Research Interests:
- Plant Protection
- Pesticides
- Pesticide Toxicity
- Colin Ockleford resigned from his senior lectureship at the University of Leicester, to become the foundation Professor of Anatomy and Director of a new £1.6 Million Clinical Anatomy Learning Centre in the Centre for Medical Education at Lancaster University.
- He is one of the first 3 appointments made at a new Medical School delivering the Liverpool University Medical School Curriculum.
- Colin said "The relationship between Liverpool University and Lancaster University is similar in some ways to the relationship between Leicester and Warwick Medical Schools with Liverpool in the midwife role and Lancaster at an earlier stage of gestation than Warwick."
- He retains links with Leicester through the 5 graduate students that he returns to supervise on a frequent basis and his membership of the Haldane Society committee
- Colin came to the University in July 1977 from Dept of Pathology in Cambridge.
- He carried out research at University of Paris, Jussieu; National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; University of Virginia at Charlottesville, USA; Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, USA and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China during periods of leave of absence and has ongoing extensive European research collaborations through an EU network of excellence.
- His research on the maternofetal interaction won him the premier research award for younger Anatomists the Symington Prize and has been the basis of his election to Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists and the award of a DSc by St Andrew's University.
- He is a keen supporter of the Haldane Society and held all its major offices including President.
- As a licensed teacher of Anatomy he became Secretary of the Company of Anatomists, the holding Company for the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland and was this Society's Founder Education Chairman and a member of Council and the Committee of Management.
- He is currently a member of the International Federation of Anatomical Association's Committee on Anatomical Education.