Katsutoshi Yoshizato, PhD
Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima,
Hiroshima, Japan.
- Katsutoshi Yoshizato PhD is a visiting Professor of Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, a Doctor of Science Honoris Causa of Purdue University Indianapolis, a Cooperation Member of Science Council of Japan, and an Academic Adviser of Phoenixbio Co., Ltd.
- Dr. Yoshizato has had made his career of over 30 years in research delving into life and animal sciences.
- His research, among other notable work, has pioneered the induction of hair follicles both in follicular and afollicular skin and tissue regeneration.
- He serves as a Member of Scientific Advisory Board of DermaGenoma, Inc., PsoriasisDX, LLC and HairDX, LLC. His large body of published research has merited worldwide recognition.
- His work has been honored with the Zoological Society Prize from the Zoological Society of Japan (1986 & 1994), the Biomaterial Society Prize from the Biomaterial Society of Japan (1994), the Best Poster Awards from the European Hair Research Society (2000 & 2002), a Distinguished Discovery Recognition by the Minister of Science and Technology Agency since 2000, Doctor of Science Honoris Causa of Purdue University Indianapolis since 2002, a Cultural Prize from Chugoku Newspaper since 2003, DMPK Editors' Award for the Most Excellent Article since 2006, and Professor Emeritus of Hiroshima University since 2007.
- Dr. Yoshizato's academic work within the last decade has been done as a Professor of Hiroshima University Faculty of Science from 1990 to 2007;
- The Vice-President of Hiroshima University from 2003 to 2005;
- The Chief Researcher of Yoshizato Project within the Ministry of Science, Culture, Education, and Sports of Japanese Government from 2002 to 2007;
- The Director of Tissue Regeneration Project in Hiroshima Regional Intensive Program from 1997 to 2002; and as the Director and Professor of Laboratory for Amphibian Biology at Hiroshima University from 1997 to 2000.
- Dr. Yoshizato received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. from Tokyo University.