Ana Maria Perez Zauner
Calle 114 A no 19A 49
Research Interests:
- OP15.06: Ultrasound prediction of uterine scar dehiscence during pregnancy in patients with a previous C-section.
- P11.11: True value of the biochemical tests of genetic screening in the first trimester combined with highly-trained ultrasound personnel.
- Anestesia para cesárea en paciente con mielitis transversa.
- P08.04: Ultrasound follow-up of patients treated with monsels solution for placenta accrete.
- Anesthesia for cesarean section in a patient with transverse myelitis.
- Restricción de crecimiento intrauterino selectiva con flujo ausente/reverso intermitente de la arteria umbilical: Experiencia institucional.