Author Contributions
Copyright © 2018 Cagri Oner, et al.

Competing interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
International Journal of Chemotherapy Research and Practice (IJCP) is an open access peer reviewed journal which publishes a broad range of topics, of general interest. IJCP supports dynamic scope to keep in pace with the current trend. We publish the finest peer-reviewed research papers by ensuring their quality along with timeliness. In recent years a continuous upsurge has been observed in the number of researches about cancer treatments and therapeutics, reaching almost 1000 per year. Indeed, the high number of submissions allows a selection of the most original and interesting contributions to be made. Currently, submissions are managed by IJCP as illustrated in these steps explained below;
1. Technical Pre-Screening is carried out by Open Access Publication (OAP) prior to forwarding to journal to check that the manuscript is complete (i.e. title, affiliations, keywords, main text, and a reference list)
2. English is sufficient for peer review process
3. Figures are complete and clear enough to read and manuscript complies with instructions provided in the Instructions for Authors section.
Submitted papers not meeting these requirements will be returned to the Authors who may re-submit their paper after dealing with the issues raised.
The manuscript can be uploaded to Manuscript Zone or mailed to the Editorial Office of IJCP at [email protected]. Study should present the results of primary scientific research and it should not have been published elsewhere. The detailed description and high technical standards of experiments, statistics, and other analyses are required. Conclusions are to be presented in an appropriate fashion without any ambiguity along with the supported data. From the time of submission of article to the publication period the manuscript is considered as under process with us.
Authors may publish abstracts in conference proceedings, but should not distribute copies of manuscripts, or tables and figures from manuscripts, that are under process. Also, plagiarism is considered unethical and a misconduct.
The Editor-in-Chief pre-screens submissions to check that they comply with journal scope, match with the article classifications used by the journal, are of potential interest to readers, and have high relevance. The submission will be returned to the author for revision if it needs to be revised either for language or to match with the standard expectations for the article classification type and also the subject of course. Subsequent to pre-screening, the Editor-in-Chief assigns papers to Associate Editors. Associate Editors check assigned papers in greater detail and initiate the peer review process by selecting highly qualified reviewers to evaluate the manuscript. Associate Editors may also decide to act as reviewers. Associate Editors can recommend to Editor-in-Chief to reject submissions that they believe are out of the Journal scope or of low enough quality to not merit review. The third step of evaluation, external reviewers provide detailed comments and make their recommendation: accept, minor revision, major revision or reject. The latter is intended for papers requiring lengthy major revisions. Reviewer comments are forwarded to the Associate Editors who make a decision and, through the Editorial Office, notify authors of the outcome of their papers, and send them copies of all reviewer comments.
Revised manuscripts submitted via the system are returned to Associate Editors who, perhaps after further revision, make a final recommendation to the Editor in Chief. The duration of the entire peer review process ideally ranges a few weeks, depending on reviewers’ responsiveness and degree of revisions required. To increase the likelihood of acceptance of submissions, authors should consider article type, scope of IJCP and assessment of relevance and quality which are three critical subjects/points before submission.
All Authors should consider the target article type. Articles published by IJCP should fit one of the requested manuscript types. International Journal of Chemotherapy Research and Practice supports online publication of original research papers, reviews, letters, editorials, case reports and short communications. Generally, all the submitted manuscripts should be organized according to Instructions for author.
Title of the article should contain no more than 30 words. Relevance of title to the submitted manuscript is important. Complete information of authors like full name, address, phone number, e-mail address, discipline of the author, affiliations is to be mentioned. Corresponding author is to be mentioned clearly. His/her address will be used for correspondence during the prepublication and post publication of the manuscript. First author should be mentioned first in the order and follow the priority. Running title should be at the top of each printed page and cannot exceed 60 characters and spaces. Key words (5-12words) are to be mentioned. Choosing appropriate keywords provide you with a citation advantage since they play a major role when submitted to huge indexing data bases. The manuscript must be organised in sections as Abstract, Introduction, Experimental procedure, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. Furthermore, authors should be insisted on acknowledgements, conflict of interest, affiliations, ethics, funding disclosure, data availability and author contributions. Ethical approval, clinical trial registrations, copyrighted material permissions, written consent of case studies participants etc., are to be submitted along with manuscript and if not submitted, editor may demand the submission of same.
The abstract (250 words maximum, including citations) should be clearly written and readily comprehensible to the broad readership of the Journal. It should provide a concise summary of the objectives, methodology, key results, and major conclusions of the study. The Introduction (500 words maximum, including citations) should briefly indicate the objectives of the study and provide enough background information to clarify why the study was undertaken and what hypotheses were tested. Brief but sufficiently complete information to permit a qualified reader to repeat the experiments reported. Only truly new procedures should be described in detail. Cite previously published procedures in references. Modifications of previously published procedures are not to be given in detail except when necessary to repeat the work. The materials and methods section should be brief but sufficient enough to allow other investigators to repeat the research. References should be given for the published procedures wherever possible; this applies to the original description and existing published modifications. The gender of subjects should be stated. All companies from which materials were obtained should be listed. If materials were obtained from an individual, an acknowledgement for that individual should be listed. A manuscript that presents only a theory can omit the Materials and Methods section. This section should present clearly but precisely the experimental findings. Only results essential to establish the actual point of the work should be included. Numerical data should be analysed using appropriate statistical tests. The discussion section (1500 words maximum, including citations) should be as concise as possible and should include a brief statement of the principal findings, a discussion of the validity of the observations, a discussion of the findings in light of other published work dealing with the same or closely related subjects, and a statement of the possible significance of the work. Speculations may be included. Conclusion section gives a precise and summarizing statement of the results and, if relevant, the prospects for application of the results in the various political, social and technical arenas are assessed. The section should begin with a clear statement of the principal findings. The implications of your findings should be discussed within a realistic framework.
Thorough experimental or analytical studies performed in the field of antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral therapies; antimicrobial chemotherapy, chemo brain, chemo resistance, chemoradiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy drugs, chemotherapy, chemotherapy regimens, electrochemotherapy, immunotherapy and supportive therapy that use rigorous methods and present original conclusive results. A review article provides a significant insight and critical analysis of the literature into a specific topic, deemed to be of high relevance in the field of IJCP. The quality of the references and their assessment is critical for this type of publication. New tables and figures that present published data in new ways are expected. In addition to editorials by editors of the journal, IJCP encourages the submission of Guest Editorials. These could present discussion of current issues, or proposals for innovative policies, new organisational approaches, new ideas and philosophies, or views on the future examining therapeutic treatments. These articles should not exceed 2 pages in length.
The scope of the journal defines, and often limits, the scientific and cultural subject matter and topics addressed by the journal. It acts in the same way as a call for papers in a major conference. This aspect is particularly relevant in view of the wide multidisciplinary area covered by International Journal of Chemotherapy Research and Practice. The journal endeavours to develop Chemotherapy research by providing comprehensive information regarding recent developments in the field of Chemotherapy. The objective of this scientific journal is to emphasize primarily development of drug-resistance, an increasing problem worldwide, and its application along with different aspects of chemotherapy research and chemotherapy reviews IJCP accepts and publishes the relevant and reliable information on the discoveries and current developments in chemotherapy.
The relevance and quality of submitted manuscript is important for IJCP. All submissions within the scope of the journal, irrespective of classification, will be peer reviewed and will need to demonstrate relevance and quality by various ways. For scientific topics, the originality of topic, strictly implemented methods or models, quality of results, scientific advances in the field are important for the relevance and quality of the manuscript. Innovation, high potential for technological development, solutions for major management, environmental and social issues are the important applicative and focused topics. The logic and rational analysis, unbiased analysis, acknowledgement of alternative viewpoints and new insights are beneficial according to strategic topics. To demonstrate relevance, a submission should aim to be of general interest to readers. To exemplify, a submission replicating studies already carried out extensively, submissions focusing on predictable management situations (i.e. stating that uncontrolled dumping leads to environmental problems), submissions that are of very narrow interest, and those reporting findings lacking comparison to existing data, will not be deemed of sufficient relevance for introduction into the peer review process. As a further example, in reporting the production of hospital waste an overall finding expressed in t/year is of no relevance, whilst if expressed in kg/bed/ year the findings could provide a useful element for comparison, and have more relevance. It is likewise of little interest to report a list of problems encountered in any given environment, or to report future intentions.
We realise that Authors may at times not appreciate decisions made by the Editorial team. However, our mission is to please both authors and Journal readers through the successful development of a useful, interesting tool aimed at furthering scientific and technological progress in IJCP. Furthermore, we believe that IJCP will be indexed in important scientific databases soon.