Shifera Asfaw Yedenekal
Department of health, behavior and society, Institutes of healthsciences, Jimma University, Ethiopia
Research Interests:
health education and promotion, strategic health communication
- I am lecturing various health sciences courses related to reproductive health, STI and HIV/AIDS, and human behaviors, health communication, behavior change communications education.
- Coordinating and leading student during community based education and community health campaign including during mobilization.
- I am also RA for a formative research project conducted in Jimma university and Wollo university in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg school of public health, entitled with “Addressing gender based violence and HIV on Ethiopian university campuses: formative research and intervention development”.
- I was also the principal investigator for two project; sponsored by college of health science entitled by "Bottle feeding practice and its determinate in Jimma Zone southwest of Ethiopia: a cross sectional study, and Media with Sexual Content and Sexual Behavior of the university students".
- I am also taking part on the project survey entitled with "An Implementation Study of Interventions to Promote Safe Motherhood in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia" sponsored by IDRC, Canadian, Ottawa University in collaboration with Jimma University.