Luz Allende
MArìa Juan Guitierrez 1150,
Los Polvorines 81613) Buenos Aires Province Argentina Juan Maria Gutierrez 1150,
Los Polvorines 81613) Province of Buenos Aires Argentina.
Research Interests:
Limnology, Phytoplankton, Ecology, and Biodiversity Restoration, Phyto-restoration
Publications with arbitration.
- Lozano VL, Vinocur A., Sage and GarcÃa C., Allende L., Cristos D., Rojas D., Wolansky M. & Pizarro H. (2017 - in press). Effects of glyphosate and 2,4-D mixture on freshwater phytoplankton and periphyton communities: a microcosm approach. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, United States.
- Izaguirre I., Saad JF, Schiaffino MR, Vinocur A., Tell G., Sanchez ML, Morphology of Cryptogams (Department of Biodiversity and Experimental Biology –FCEyN –UBA).
- General Ecology (Department of Ecology, Genetics and Evolution - FCEyN - UBA).
- Limnology (Department of Ecology, Genetics and Evolution - FCEyN - UBA).
- Bachelor thesis. Address of Miss Julieta Silvoso (FCEyN –UBA). Date of defense: July 25, 2008. Qualification: 10 Assistant Director of Mr. Mauro Dos Nascimento (FCEyN –UBA). Date of defense: September 9, 2009 Qualification: 10 Address of Miss Luciana Avigliano (FCEyN –UBA). Date of defense: August 19, 2011
- Doctorate career. Thesis Director: Dr. Irina Izaguirre. Thesis topic: Structure of phytoplankton fractions of Antarctic lakes of BahÃa Esperanza with contrasting trophic status. Summer and interannual variations, and interactions with other planktonic components. Date of approval of the thesis: 25/11/2004.