Alexandra Silva
Portuguese Oceanic and Atmospheric Institute,
Research Interests:
Phytoplankton taxonomy and physiology, ecology and physical-biological, development of molecular and technological
- July 2017 - Elsevier Reviewer - Certificate on Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Elsevier Reviewer Recognition of the contributions made to the quality of the journal. Honor issuer: The Editors of ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE. Elsevier, Amsterdam,The Netherlands.
- 2013 - Best Service Challenge. Copernicus Master 2013. Copernicus Masters is a competition for the most innovative business and society solutions based on Earth observation data. Participation with the prototype of a warning system for the condition of biotoxification of bivalves in harvesting and production areas. A collaboration IPMA / Instituto Superior Tecnico.
- Churro, C.; Azevedo, J.; Vasconcelos, V.; Silva, A. (2017) Detection of a Planktothrix agardhii Bloom in Portuguese Marine Coastal Waters. Toxins 2017, 9, 391.
- Silva, A, L. Pinto, S. M. Rodrigues, H. de Pablo, T. Moita, M. Mateus. (2015) An HAB warning system for shellfish harvesting in the Portuguese coast based on monitoring data and model forecasting. Harmful Algae. (in press).
- Cabrita T, Silva A, Oliveira, P.B, Angélico M.M, Nogueira M. (2015) Assessing eutrophication in the Portuguese continental Exclusive Economic Zone within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ecological Indicators, 58, 286–299.
- Silva, A, Brotas, V., Valente, A., Sá, C., Diniz, T., Patarra, R.F. Álvaro, N.V. Neto, A.I. (2013) Coccolithophore species as indicators of surface oceanographic conditions in the vicinity of Azores islands. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 118, 50-59.
- Brotas V, R.J.W. Brewin, C.Sá, A.C. Brito, Silva A., C.R. Mendes, T.Diniz, M. Kaufmann, G.Tarran, S.B. Groom, T.Platt, S. Sathyendranath. (2013) Deriving phytoplankton size classes from satellite data: Validation along a trophic gradient in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment, 134, 66-77.
- Palma S., Mouriño H., Silva A., Barão M.I., Moita M.T. (2010) Can Pseudo-nitzschia blooms be modeled by coastal upwelling in Lisbon Bay? Harmful Algae, Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Pages: 294-303. IF: 3.9
- Silva A, Palma S., Oliveira P.B., Moita M.T. (2009) Composition and interannual variability of
- phytoplankton in a coastal upwelling region (Lisbon Bay, Portugal). Journal of Sea Research, 62, 4, 238-249.
- Silva A, Palma S., Oliveira P. B., Moita M.T. (2009) Calcidiscus quadriperforatus and Calcidiscus leptoporus as oceanographic tracers in Lisbon Bay (Portugal). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 81 (3): 333-344.
- Silva, A, Palma, S., Moita, M.T. (2008) Coccolithophores in the upwelling waters of Portugal: Four years of weekly distribution in Lisbon bay. Continental Shelf Research, 28, 18, 2601-2613.