Marco Cavallo
Via Isimbardi 10,
Novedrate, Como, Italy.
Research Interests:
Neuropsychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy
- Marco Cavallo has a five-year degree in Psychology (Clinical and Clinical Guidelines) Community at the University of Turin in 2003, discussing a thesis entitled:
- Analysis of cerebral correlates of intentionality: An investigation with Magnetic Resonance functional, and achieving the vote of 110 and honors / 110.
- Subsequently, he attended a Master of Science in Cognitive Neuropsychology at the Scottish University of Edinburgh, carrying out research at the same time.
- Department of Clinical Neuroscience of Western General Hospital (NHS 24) thereof city, dealing with neuropsychology with patients suffering from neurodegenerative disorders.
- He then held a three year PhD in Cognitive Sciences at the University and the Polytechnic University of Turin, dealing with the investigation of neuropsychological and cognitive profiles in patients with behavioral variation of frontotemporal dementia and from Alzheimer's disease, discussing a thesis entitled: Specific "Theory of Mind" problems in neurodegenerative diseases.
- Finally, he specialized in Psychotherapy at the Gestalt School in Turin, obtaining the qualification to practice the activity of Psychotherapist.
- He currently holds the role of Determined Time Researcher (RTD) in "Psychobiology e Physiological Psychology "(SSD M-PSI / 02) at the eCampus Telematic University of Novedrate (Como).
- He is also a scientific-clinical consultant at the EMDR Europe International Association, on the design and implementation of European multi-center scientific studies on the topic of the evaluation of the outcomes of the psychotherapeutic treatment of psychiatric pathologies.
- Is finally member of the Executive Committee (ASL Unit TO3) of the European multicentric project 2014-2016 three-year MasterMind (financed by the European Union, Program: ICT Policy Support Program, Activity: CIP7-Theme 3 - ICT for health, aging and well inclusion).
- In the past (2011-2013), he was a contractor for carrying out research activities scientific in the clinical field at the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences University of Turin, home of Orbassano. Areas: Neuropsychology; Psychology Clinic.
- In the two-year period 2011-2012, he was also nominated President of the Youth Forum Researchers belonging to the World Federation of Neurology - Section "Aphasia e Cognitive rehabilitation "(Forum of Young Researchers, FYRE, World Federation of Neurology).
- Finally, from 2009 to 2013 it was the holder of an improvement scholarship to scientific research at the Department of Translational Medicine (formerly Department of Medical Sciences) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Eastern Piedmont (Novara). Scope: Clinical Psychology; Psychiatry.
- He is author of numerous publications in international scientific journals (submitted to peerreview) in the areas of Neuropsychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry.
- Together with a colleague from the CNR of Rome, he was recently invited to write a chapter on an international monograph entitled: "PET and SPECT in Psychiatry", published in 2014 by Editions Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.