Qiaoyi Jessie
Rm 707,
Li Ka Shing Medical Sciences Building,
Prince of Wales Hospital,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.
Research Interests:
Gastrointestinal cancers, Non-alcohol steatohepatitis (NASH), Biomarkers, Human endogenous retrovirus
- Dr. Liang has been involved in the identification and characterization of cancer-related genes since 2004.
- Whilst completing her PhD in Oncology at the Cancer Institute of Zhejiang University, she identified and designated three novel cancer-related genes, including HERV-HX, HERV-H4p15, and psiTPTE22-HERV.
- Upon completion of her doctorate, Dr. Liang devoted one year to establishing rapid prenatal diagnosis methods, one of which has been granted with patent number ZL 2010 1 0019380.5.
- Dr. Liang is now Research Assistant Professor in State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Dr. Liang's research now focuses on cancer genomics, metagenomics, human endogenous retroviruses in cancers, biomarkers, and functional studies on cancer-related genes.
- Till December 2016, Dr. Liang's work has resulted in publication of 32 peer-reviewed research articles, of which 16 are as first/co-first or corresponding author, 3 patents, 21 conference abstracts and 14 research awards (AACR travel award, UEGW Oral Free Paper Prize, ICG Women Scientists Award, CUHK Research Excellence Award, etc).