Bogazici University, Dept. Of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
+90 359 72 84/6627
Necla Birgul-Iyison
Bogazici University, Dept. Of Molecular Biology and Genetics
34342 Bebek / Istanbul,
Research Interests:
- Wnt/beta-catenin signalling in cancer
- Allatostatin receptor function.
- 2003 EMBO Short Term Fellowship
- 2001-2001 Scholarship from the National Research Foundation in Cape Town (NRF)
- 2000-2001 Ph.D. Fellowship from the European Union
- 1997-2000 Ph.D. Fellowship from the German Research Foundation in Hamburg (Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft)
- 1995-1996 M.Sc. Scholarship from the University of Hamburg (Auslands-Stipendium).
- İ. Even, İ. AKİVA, N. Birgül Iyison: In vivo RNAi mini-screen in Drosophila cancer model reveals novel potential Wnt targets in liver cancer, UHOD, in press 2018Akiva I. and N. Birgül Iyison: MGAT1 is a novel transcriptional target of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway BMC Cancer 18:60 doi.org/10.1186/s12885-017-3960-7, 2018
- Burcin Duan Sahbaz, Osman Ugur Sezerman, Hamdi Torun & Necla Birgül Iyison: Ligand binding pocket of a novel Allatostatin receptor type C of stick insect, Carausius morosus . Scientific Reports, 7:41266, DOI: 10.1038/srep41266, 2017
- Ayaz Najafov, Tuncay Şeker, İpek Even, Gerta Hoxhaj, Osman Selvi, Duygu Esen Özel, Ahmet Koman and Necla Birgül-İyison: Wnt/beta-Catenin pathway regulates transcription of actin-regulatory protein MENA, PLoS ONE, Volume 7, Issue 5, e37013, 2012
- Kavak E., Najafov A., Ozturk N., Seker T., Cavusoglu K., Aslan T., Duru A.D., Saygili T., Hoxhaj G., Hiz M.C., Ozer-Unal D., Birgul-Iyison N., Ozturk M., Koman A. „Analysis of the Wnt/B-catenin/TCF4 pathway using SAGE, genome-wide microarray and promoter analysis: Identification of BRI3 and HSF2 as novel targets“. Cellular Signalling, Vol. 22, pp. 1523-1535 (PMID:20538055), 2010
- Isler C., Tanriverdi T , Kavak E., Sanus G.Z., Ulu M.O., Erkanlı G., Koman A., Birgül-Iyison N., Uzan M. “Prenatal Expressions of Hyperpolarization Cyclic-Nucleotide-Gated Channel (HCN) Genes in Dysplastic Hippocampi in Rats”, Türkish Neurosurgery 2008, Vol:18, No.4, 327-335.
- Kreienkamp HJ, Larusson HJ, Witte I, Roeder T, Birgul N, Honck HH, Harder S, Ellinghausen G, Buck F, Richter D. “Functional annotation of two orphan G-protein-coupled receptors, Drostar1 and -2, from Drosophila melanogaster and their ligands by reverse pharmacology”. J Biol Chem. 2002 Oct 18;277(42):39937-43. Epub 2002 Aug 6.
- Auerswald L, Birgul N, Gade G, Kreienkamp HJ, Richter D. “Structural, functional, and evolutionary characterization of novel members of the allatostatin receptor family from insects”. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Apr13;282(4):904-9.
- Birgul N, Weise C, Kreienkamp HJ, Richter D.“Reverse physiology in drosophila: identification of a novel allatostatin-like neuropeptide and its cognate receptor structurally related to the mammalian somatostatin/galanin/opioid receptor family”. EMBOJ.1999Nov1;18(21):5892-900.