Hong Kong
Independent Researcher or Consultant,
Physician Pharmacist People Health Magazine.
852 23618684
Cecilia Young
Independent Researcher, UK
Research Interests:
Epidemiology, Health Promotion, Dental Trauma, Dental Scaling, Low Level Light Therapy.
- Dr. Cecilia Young was trained at the Prince Dental Philip Dental Hospital and graduated from the University of Hong Kong with the Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 1994. She has been a general dental practitioner and an independent researcher. She had obtained her Master in Public Health in 2006.
- She has worked as the Consultant for the The Federation of H.K. Chinese Travel Agents Ltd., Dental consultant and columnist The Hong Kong Economic Journal, Health Plus Magazine and Physician, Pharmacist, People Health Magazine.
- She is the reviewer in various medical and dental journals and has published widely in various journals.
She is the editor for the Following Journals:
- International Journal of Experimental Dental Science
- International Research Journal of Dentistry
- SciTz Dentistry: Research & Therapy,
- ARC Journal of Dental Science,
- EC Dental Science
- International Journal of Dental Research and Oral Sciences,
- Acta Scientific Dental Sciences
- Journal Remedy Open Access- Dentistry and Oral Medicine,
- Journal of Oral Health and Craniofacial Science and
- Oral Health and Dentistry Journal,
- Journal of Dental Science and Therapy,
- Journal of Clinical Research in Dentistry.