United States
The University of Texas,
MD Anderson Cancer Center.
713-661-0560, 713-817-8387
Ken H Young
4433 Dorothy Street,
Houston, TX 77401.
- NIH/NCI funding award support for EBV+ lymphoma, TP53 and MYC molecular target pathway.
- To focus on these funded programs and recent promising clinical trials related to these pathways, I have these NIH support:
NIH funding award focused lectures:
- EBV+ Aggressive Lymphoma: Biology, Mechanism and Molecular Targets for Successful Clinical Trials;
- Myc Oncogene Functions As Critical Biomarker and Therapeutic Target in Aggressive Lymphoma
- Pathogenesis and Targeted Biomarker Studies Facilitate Risk Stratification and Targeted Therapy in DLBCL Patients
- TP53 Tumor Suppressor Gene is Critical Biomarker and Therapeutic Target in Lymphoma
Education focused lectures in American Society of Pathology and Hematology:
- Acute myelogenous leukemia - WHO classification and clinical issues
- Peripheral T-cell lymphoma - Current WHO classification and new challenge
- New WHO Classification of Lymphoid Neoplasms
- Dendritic and Histiocytic Neoplasms - New WHO Classification and clinical issues
- Myelodysplastic Syndrome - WHO Classification and new challenge
- Automated Hematology Analysis
- Molecular Diagnostics and Cytogenetics in Lymphoma and Leukemia Applications
- Hodgkin lymphoma - Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis and Molecular Mechanism
- Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Pathology (AACLS lecture award)
- Flow cytometry and its application in hematologic malignancies
- Lymphoid Neoplasms Where we stand now for the standard care in the molecular century
- Molecular mechanisms of DLBCL what relevant to the clinical management
- EBV+ Lymphoma: Biology, Mechanism and Clinical Management