Ali Mahmood Humada
22/1993, Al-Khdraa, Kirkuk, Iraq. Mobile No. : 009647701881887
Research Interests:
1. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
2. Electronic and Robotic Engineering
3. Control Engineering.
4. Energy.
5. Reliability and Sustainability of Transmission Line.
Published Journals:
1. Humada, Ali MHojabri, MojganMekhilef, Saad and Hamada, Hussein M. 2016. Solar cell parameters extraction based on single and double-diode models: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 56: 494-509 (2016). ISI journal, impact factor 8.05(Q1).
2. Humada Ali M. , Mojgan Hojabria, Nowshad Amin, Mushtaq Najeeb Ahmed, Performance assessment of two photovoltaic plant technologies and based on tropical climatic conditions: Malaysia case study, Energies and Buildings, 119 (2016) 233–241. ISI journal with impact factor 4.01 (Q1).
3. Humada Ali M. , Mojgan Hojabria, Nowshad Amin, Mushtaq Najeeb Ahmed, Performance Prediction of a Grid-connected Photovoltaic System in Tropical Climate Conditions Based on Modeling, PLoS ONE, 11(4): e0152766. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152766. ISI journal with impact factor 4.067 (Q1).
4. Humada Ali Mahmood, M Hojabri, MB Mohamed, Analysis of effect external parameters on the photovoltaic solar system and its characteristics: Wulfenia Vol. 20, - 187 (2013). ISI impact factor 0.27.
5. Humada Ali M. , Mojgan Hojabria, Nowshad Amin, Mushtaq Najeeb Ahmed, Modeling and Characterization of a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System in Tropical Climate Conditions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (Accepted, 12 August 2017) ISI journal with impact factor 8.05 (Q1).
6. Humada Ali M., Hojabri, MojganMohamed, Mortaza BSulaiman, BinHerwan, Mohd and Dakheel, Taha Hamad. 2014. A Proposed Method of Photovoltaic Solar Array Configuration under Different Partial Shadow Conditions. Advanced Materials Research:pp. 307-311. [ Scopus].
7. Humada Ali M., Fahmi B. Samsuri, Hojabri MojganMohamed, Mortaza B, Sulaiman, BinHerwan, Mohd and Dakheel, Taha Hamad Dakheel. Modeling of Photovoltaic Solar Array under Different levels of partial shadow Conditions. 16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, PEMC, September 2014. [IEEE explorer]
8. AL–Duliamy MNA, M Hojabri, bin Daniyal H, Humada Ali M., Simulation of Regulated Power Supply for Solar Photo-Voltaic Model: Int. Jou. of Eng. Sci. and Res. Tech. (IJESRT) Vol. 2, no. 12, (2013), p. 3607.
9. Hmada Ali M., Hojabri, Mojgan, Mohamed Mortaza B., AL-Duliamy Mushtaq N Ahmed, Sulaiman Mohd Herwan Bin and Akorede, Mudathir Funsho. Reconfiguration Method Based on DC/DC Central Converter within Different Mismatch Conditions. : Int. Jou. of Eng. Sci. and Res. Tech. (IJESRT) Vol. 2, no. 12, (2013), p. 3634. 4
10. Humada Ali M., Hojabri, MojganMohamed, Mortaza B, AL-Duliamy, Mushtaq N Ahmed, Sulaiman, BinHerwan, Mohd and Dakheel, Taha Hamad. 2014. A New Method of PV Reconfiguration under Partial Shadow Conditions Based on DC/DC Central Converter. 2nd Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS) 2014.
11. Humada Ali M., M Hojabri, MB Mohamed, Analysis of effect external parameters on the photovoltaic solar system and its characteristics: American journal of advance technologies. Vol. 20, no.12, (2013), p. 179.
12. Humada Ali M. , Mojgan Hojabria, Mushtaq Najeeb Ahmed, A Review On Photovoltaic Array Behavior, Configuration Strategies And Models Under Mismatch, Conditions , Maxwell Scientific Publications, Scopus journal (Accepted).
13. Humada Ali M. , Sulaiman, BinHerwan, Mohd , Mojgan Hojabri, Mortaza B. Mohameda, 2013, A Five Parameters PV Modeling, Extraction and Performance Evaluation Based on Experimental Data, Solar Energy, (Under review). ISI journal, impact factor 3.469(Q1).
14. Ali M. Humada, Mohd Herwan Bin Sulaiman, Mojgan Hojabri, Hussein M. Hamada and Mushtaq N. Ahmed. A REVIEW ON PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY BEHAVIOR, CONFIGURATION STRATEGIES AND MODELS UNDER MISMATCH CONDITIONS. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences VOL. 11, NO. 7, APRIL 2016, 4896–4903, (Scopus).