Institute of Biometeorology National Research Council IBIMET- CNR
Francesco Primo Vaccari
Institute of Biometeorology -National Research Council
Via Caproni, 8
I-50145 Firenze
Research Interests:
- Plant Ecology
- Climate Change Impact & Mitigationrn
- Effects of high CO2 on crops and natural ecosystems
- Biosphere atmosphere interactions
- Precision agriculture
- Biochar
Born in Florence (Italy) 26 April 1967, married with a child.
Education: Agricultural Science Degree, University of Florence (1994) and PhD in Ecology and Environmental Systems, University of Udine (2010)
Permanent Research Scientist at Institute of Biometeorology - National Research Council (IBIMET CNR) (headquarter Florence) since (2002- present).
Scientific highlights:
- Ecophysiological studies on the effects of elevated CO2 on crops and natural ecosystems.
- Biosphere atmosphere interactions.
- Urban carbon fluxes.
- Regional fluxes as a validation tool for atmospheric and ecosystem modelling.
- Development and integration of remote sensing and micrometeorological devices.
- Precision agriculture.
- Biochar effects on crops.
Publication record (October, 2017):
- 61 ISI papers.
- 21 no ISI papers.
- 38 Book chapters.
- 92 International /National Conference contributions.
- 9 Books.
- H-index = 22 (ISI WEB)
- H-index = 28 (Google Scholar)
Web pages and links:
- Researcher ID (ISI Web) http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-2123-2009
- Google Scholar https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=cCjrSaMAAAAJ&hl=it
- Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55109183500
- Personal WEB page http://www.fi.ibimet.cnr.it/staff-1/vaccari-francesco?set_language=en