Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
00359 2 979 2161
Tonya Andreeva
Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1 Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 21
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.
Research Interests:
Nanomaterials, Surface Modification, Surface Adsorption, Surface Properties, Wettability, Interfacial Science.
- Jordan G. Petrov, Gerald Brezesinski, Tonya D. Andreeva, Helmuth Möhwald, Effect of Fluorination of the Hydrophilic Heads on Morphology and Molecular Structure of Langmuir Monolayers of Long-Chain Ethers. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2004, 108(41), 16154-16162. IF (2004) 3.834.
- Jordan G. Petrov, Tonya D. Andreeva, Dirk G. Kurth, Helmuth Möhwald, Negative Dipole Potentials of Uncharged Langmuir Monolayers Due to Fluorination of the Hydrophilic Heads. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109(29), 14102-14111. IF (2005) 4.033.
- T. Andreeva, J. Petrov, Comparison of the Mechanical Properties of Langmuir Monolayers of Long Chain Ethyl Ethers with Fluorinated and Non-Fluorinated Hydrophilic Heads. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chimie, 2005, 97(2), 65-74.
- T. Andreeva, J. Petrov, Miscibility and Compression Moduli of Langmuir Monolayers of Trifluoroethyl Docosanoate - Ethyl Docosanoate Mixtures. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chimie, 2005, 97(2), 75-90.
- Jordan G. Petrov, Tonya D. Andreeva, Helmuth Möhwald, Fluorination of the Hydrophilic Head Accelerates the Collapse of the Monolayer but Stabilizes the Bilayer of a Long-Chain Trifluoroethyl Ether on Water. Langmuir, 2006, 22(9), 4136-4143. IF(2006) 3.902.
- Tonya D. Andreeva, Jordan G. Petrov, Gerald Brezesinski, Helmuth Möhwald, Structure of the Langmuir Monolayers with Fluorinated Ethyl Amide and Ethyl Ester Polar Heads Creating Dipole Potentials of Opposite Sign. Langmuir, 2008, 24(15), 8001-8007. IF (2008) 4.097. Indiv. IF = 1.024.
- Jordan G. Petrov, Tonya D. Andreeva, Helmuth Möhwald, Dipolar Interactions and Miscibility in Binary Langmuir Monolayers with Opposite Dipole Moments of the Hydrophilic Heads. Langmuir, 2009, 25(6), 3659-3666. IF (2009) 3.898. Indiv. IF = 1.299.
- Tonya D. Andreeva, Jordan G. Petrov, Mixing Behavior and Molecular Interactions in Binary Monolayers of Long-chain Ethers with Fluorinated and Non-fluorinated Polar Heads. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chimie, 2009, 101, 79-87.
- Jordan G. Petrov, Tonya D. Andreeva, Helmuth Möhwald, Interaction of hydrophobic ions with Langmuir monolayers with opposite dipole moments of the hydrophilic heads. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chimie, 2011, 102/103, 195-204.
- Jordan G. Petrov, Gerald Brezesinski, Tonya D. Andreeva, Helmuth Möhwald, Nanometer structure of binary Langmuir monolayers with opposite dipole moments of the hydrophilic heads. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chimie, 2011, 102/103, 205-214.