Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon
(+351) 217 946 429 (Ext. 14244)
Catarina Pinto Reis
Av Prof. Gama Pinto, 1649-003 Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Research Interests:
Development of new drug delivery systems, Theranostics, Therapeutic polymers for drug delivery, Methods of micro and nanoencapsulation of drugs, food supplements and cosmetics, Drug dissolution, absorption, metabolism and elimination studies, Targeted therapies, in vivo efficacy and safety assessments using animal models, Pre-clinical toxicity assessment, Food supplements, Regulatory affairs, Medical Devices, cosmetics, etc.
- Catarina Pinto Reis is currently Assistant Professor at Faculty of Pharmacy (University of Lisbon).
- She is a member of Imed-ULisboa and collaborator at IBEB (FCUL) research group.
- She is also an external consultant of Infarmed.
- During 2007 to Feb 2017, she was Assistant Professor in the School of Sciences and Health Technologies at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (Lisbon, Portugal).
- She attended the University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal) and graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
- Her doctoral studies were also undertaken at the University of Coimbra with several important international collaborations where she developed an interest in advanced drug delivery systems.
- Those studies have been recognized through a number of national prizes.
- She finished her PhD in Pharmacy as Distinguished Honor Graduate.
- Since then, she has continued to work in the design and evaluation of nanoparticles and microparticles for peptide drug delivery.
- She is author or co-author of several articles, book chapters and inventor of patents.
- Best poster Jornadas Técnico-Científicas ERISA 2015,
- Award Best Oral Communication,
- I Scientific Conference CBIOS,
- ULHT, 9-10 October 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, Dermatocosmética Lusophone award sponsored by Alies
- SANINTER in 2013,
- Douro Entrepreneur Award in 2013,
- Dermatocosmética Lusophone in 2012, Bluepharma
- University of Coimbra in 2009, Prize at the International Forum under the Industrial Biotech in 2008 and BES National Innovation Prize of 2006.
Scientific And Professional Societies Member:
- Order of Pharmacists since 2003,
- Member of CRS,
- Member of Bioencapsulation Research Group (BRG),
- member of the Portuguese Society of Cosmetological Sciences (since 2011),
- Secretary of the Board of SPCAL (Portuguese Society of Sciences Laboratory Animal) (2013-2015).