Associate professor & Head, Department of Psychology, ST.Bede's College,Shimla,India
Shonali sud
Dr.Shonali Sud Associate Professor & Head Cum Editor of Journal of Research: The Bede Athenaeum (Indexed and Peer reviewed) Department of Psychology St.Bede's College Himachal Pradesh Univesrsity Shimla-171 002, India
Research Interests:
Psychology of Health and well Being Clinical Psychology
(i) Senior Cambridge (ISC-Indian School Certificate Examination from Auckland House School Shimla in 1976)
(ii) BA- St. Bede’s College, Himachal Pradesh University 1979 Distinction: 3rd University rank, Psychology and French awarded merit Scholarship
(iii) MA-Himachal Pradesh University 1981 Distinction: 3rd University rank, Psychology awarded scholarship
(iv) M. Phil-Himachal Pradesh University 1983 Distinction: 1st University rank, awarded Gold medal & Junior Research Fellowship
(v) Ph. D-Psychology, Himachal Pradesh University, May 1987 Distinction: Junior Research Fellowship.
- Merit Scholarship for BA, Gold medal in M. Phil. JRF for M. Phil & Ph. D Middle award fellowship by American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad,
- 1995 & 2002 UGC travel awards for attending & presenting at an International conference in Manchester,
- UK 2005 & Washington,
- USA in 2010 UGC Major Research Project in Psychology as Principal Investigator
- 2010-2014 Best research Paper award in an International Refresher course, Hyderabad,
- 1999 Award to present at an International Conference in Berlin,
- Germany 2008 and Barcelona,
- Spain 2005 Awarded the UGC Associate ship at the prestigious Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS),
- 2001-2004 Appointed Referee for two International Journals Published from Europe Editor of peer reviewed International Journal of Research since 2010-till date, published from St. Bede’s Won the International travel scholarship award for excellence in International scholarship by the International Conference in counseling Psychology March 13-16, 2014, Atlanta, Georgia USA Organized by the American Psychological Association in 2014 3.
- Presented at 7 National seminars and at 34 International meets overseas (Singapore, China, Germany, UK, Spain, Italy, The Bahamas, USA, Kenya) Invited to deliver the keynote address in the International conference in Nairobi, Kenya,
- 2015 Deputy Chairperson in the 3rd World Congress on Excellence Punjab University, Chandigarh Oct,
- 2015 Organized an ICSSR sponsored International Conference on Work Stress & Health,
- Oct 2015 Delegates attended and presented from 11 countries Invited to chair a session at the International conference organized by Amity University Lucknow,
- Oct 2016 Completed a UGC Major Research project in Psychology, submitted the final report in December 2014.
- Referee of two International Journals published from Europe Delivered a Plenary address at an International meet on ICT skills in November 2014
- Guided several master thesis (IGNOU)
- Guided one Doctoral candidate for the Ph. D degree in Psychology (Thesis highly commended) Encouraged my students to engage in research at the undergraduate level
- Around 30 publications in National Journals and Books
- Around 20 Publications in International journals and
- books Total Publications=50
- Peer reviewed=35
- Books edited=02
- Newspaper articles= more than 100