Rossella Di Monaco
Department of Agriculture, University of Naples Federico II.
Research Interests:
Food Science and Technology, Food Analysis, Food Processing, Food Quality, Food Processing and Engineering, Food Science, Food Preservation, Sensory Evaluation, Sensory Analysis, Food Composition, Food, Functional Food, Agricultural and Food Safety Economics, Odors, Flavor.
- Rossella Di Monaco is Associate Professor in Food Science and Technology (Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples) (2014-).
- She teaches Sensory and Physical Properties of Food for the master’s degree in Food Science and Technology.
- She was Supervisor of two PhD students and tutor of several international and national master students (2005-).
- She was Visiting Professor at the Copenhagen University, Department of Food Science, division of Sensory and Consumer Science (August - September 2013).
- During the PhD course in AgroFood Science and Technology (2000-2003), she was visiting Researcher at the University of Helsinki, Department of Food Technology (2002).
- She contributed in several national and international research projects as coordinator of research activities.
- She was coordinator of sensory research activities in the project entitled Sweeteners production form Mediterranean plants (2013-2016) granted from Fondazione con il Sud.
- Currently, she is Unit Coordinator of the Italian Taste research (http://www.it-taste.it/).
- Research activity is focused on sensory evaluation and consumer science and it is also carried out with several international collaborations from Finland, Spain, Turkey, Israel, Denmark, France.
- She is author of more than 40 publications in international peer reviewed journals with impact factor (h-index 14) and several oral communications in international Conferences.
- She was member of the Editorial Board of American Journal of Food Technology (2006-2010) and she is member of the editorial board of Journal of Food Science and Technology (2014 -) and of Journal of Food Quality (2016-).
- She is also serving more than 10 journals in food science and technology area as reviewer
- She was Chairman of the 3rd Conference of the Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS) (December 2010) and member of Organizing Committee of 15th Workshop on Developments in the Italian PhD Research in Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology (September 2010).
- She was member of Professor board of the PhD courses in Agro-food Science (2013 2015) and Research Committee of the Department of Food and Agricultural Science (University of Naples) (2013 -2015).
- She participates in the Auditor board of the SISS (2014 -).
- Currently, she is in the Organizing Committee of the Eurosense Conference 2018.