Mahdi Fallah
Im Neuenheimer Feld 580,
69120, Heidelberg,
Research Interests:
- Familial cancers, endocrine cancers, cancer epidemiology
- Epidemiology Group leader; international cancer research experience; drug study experience; development of Prostate Cancer.
- Risk Assessment Model (PCRAM); working with very large international and national cancer databases [cancer registries, GLOBOCAN, EUCAN, NORDCAN, CI5, FCD (worlds largest family-cancer database), etc.
- Group Leader in the Division of Preventive Oncology at the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT Heidelberg);
- Head of Epidemiology Research Group in the Division of Molecular Genetic Epidemiology at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ);
- Scientist and coordinator of Nordic collaboration on familial cancers;
- 5 years clinical practice; 4 years post-doc in epidemiology, Germany;
- 3 years pharmaco-epidemiology post-doc in chronic diseases epidemiology in Finland;
- extensive research experience international settings;
- pooling and analysis of very large international epidemiological datasets (Swedish Family-Cancer Database, world's largest of its kind, including >14.7 million subjects, and various cancer registries, Nordic family-cancer datasets);
- supervising / mentoring / teaching PhD students and post-docs; epidemiological and applied statistical consultant
Highlights: AACR Awards 2015 and 2016;
- Best Article Award;
- several press releases;
- several grants;
- developed familial Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment Model (PCRAM) and several methods to deal with ascertainment bias in cancer registry data;
- development and analysis of Nordic Family-Cancer Joint Dataset
- Reviewer of grant application: Swiss Cancer League, Swiss Cancer Research, Switzerland
Editorial Board Member/Reviewer of peer-reviewed journals:
- Annals of Oncology, JAMA Dermatology, International J Cancer, Thyroid, Cancer Research Frontiers, J Thyroid Cancer, Cancer Epidemiol Bomark, Cancer Epidemiol, Hematol Reports, J Pediatric Surgery, etc. (83 Merits in Publons.com; top 7% of all reviewers and top 2% of DKFZ reviewers)