Lin-Yun Kuang
128 Sec. 2,
Academia Rd,
Taipei 11529 Taiwan,
Research Interests:
plant transformation
- Sinica’s Transgenic Plant Core Lab, one of its core facilities.
- Here we provide Agrobacterium-mediated transformation services for four model plants: Arabidopsis, tobacco, tomato and rice.
- We spent some eight years establishing consistent stable transformation protocols and have started to develop additional transformation systems such as transient expression with protoplasts and stable systems for Petunia, potato, Brachypodium distachyon etc.
- Over the past decade, I have given several lectures and a workshop on plant transformation at Academia Sinica.
- M.S. 1999 National Taiwan University, Taipei (9/95-6/99) Dept. of Botany Thesis: Effects of Gibberellic Acid and Abscisic Acid on β-Amylase Expression in Maize Kernel B.S. 1994 Tunghai University (9/90-6/94) Dept. of Biology WORK/RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 8/2004-present: Transgenic Plant Laboratory, Academia Sinica
Research Specialist
- Collect transgenic plant-related material and information
- Provide campus-wide transformation support
- Utilize and improve current transformation protocols
- Educate through training, including bio-safety and technique-related workshops
- Construct and maintain resource-based website: http://transplant.sinica.edu.tw/
- Explore and develop additional transformation systems
- Collaborate with researchers from other institutes to reveal the plant genes involved in the process of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.