Kamal E Bani-Hani
Hashemite University President Zarqa-Jordan P.O. Box 330127 Tel: 962-5-3903333 (Ext.4102) (Office) Tel 962-79-7900105 (Mobile)
Research Interests:
My main interests are in the fields of upper gastrointestinal surgery, Medical education, and Oncology, particularly gastroesophageal malignancies, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, soft tissue tumors, and peritoneal surface tumors.
Upper gastrointestinal surgery and oncosurgery are my major subspecialty with special interest in esophageal surgery, Barrett’s esophagus, gastric and other intra-abdominal tumors. Esophageal and gastric cancers are my main clinical interest. My focus of the esophageal cancer research is on the investigation of the molecular changes during the multistep malignant progression of columnar-lined (Barrett’s) esophagus. One of the current research projects is investigating the role of cyclin E expression in esophageal cancer. The study on glucose transporter is also underway for esophageal cancer research. I am also involved in the research to elucidate the prognostic factors in gastric cancer patients. My main focus of research is the inquiry of carcinogenesis in the stomach cancer, which is concentrated on the cell cycle molecules, eg p21 and p27, and H. pylori. I am investigating the role of different cyclins in the multistage tumorigenesis of gastric cancer and the correlation between the expression of cyclins and the degree of histologic aggressiveness and prognostic indices in patients of gastric carcinoma. At the moment I am investigating the gastric carcinoma in Northern Jordan with regards to the expression of a panel of tumor markers including cyclin E, p21, p27, p53 and EGFR. Also I am investigating the relationship of H. pylori to gastric adenocarcinoma and type of H. pylori strains in Jordan. My future research topics are prognostic molecular markers for gastric adenocarcinomas. Another research field is to evaluate the possibilities of combining many molecular markers as a prognosticator for gastric cancer.
Furthermore, I have participated in the development of Bioethics curriculum in the Faculties of Medicine and Nursing at the Hashemite University starting first semester 2011-2012
Awards and Distinctions
Numerous awards and honors have been bestowed on me including:
1. Dr. Nabeeh Muammar Prize for the "Distinguished Physician" for 2011.
2. Scopus-Elsevier award to honor contribution to science April 2009
3. The Marquis Who is Who in Medicine and Healthcare 2009
4. Prize of the distinguish researcher, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology 2006
5. Prize of the distinguish research, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology 2006
6. Prize of the best clinical teacher, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology 2006
7. Prize of the distinguish researcher, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology 2004-2005. 27th April 2005
8. Given a prize at the 5th Pan Arab Cancer Congress and Progress in Cancer Management. Kuwait 4th-8th April 2004 for participation in the organization of the congress.
9. Certificate of Appreciation for the contribution to the success of The Pan Arab Cancer Congress & the First Syrian Cancer Congress held in Damascus- Syria October 21-24, 2003.
10. Given a plaque at the 4th Pan Arab Cancer Congress and the first Syrian Cancer Congress. Damascus, Syria 21-24 October 2003, for presentation of gastric malignancies in Jordan.
11. Given the third Surgical Prize at the Second U.A.E. Surgical Conference in 1991, for presentation of Conservative Management of Perforated Duodenal Ulcer-Best Resident Paper.
12. Given a plaque in recognition of ranking third out of 261 graduates in the first term, Medical College, University of Baghdad 1984.