Lucas Forti
Laboratory of Natural Histories of Brazilian Amphibians (LaHNAB) and Multiuser Laboratory of Bioacoustics (LMBio), Department of Animal Biology, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Institute of Biology, PO Box 6109. CEP 13083-970, Campinas, SÃ © Paulo, Brazil.
Research Interests:
Amphibians diseases, Animal Behavior, Bioacoustics Conservation, Biology, Ecology of Amphibians, Natural history of Anurans.
- I was recently awarded with a postdoctoral fellowship from CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientofico e Tecnologico), and my current research focuses on the relationship between diseases and acoustic communication in amphibians.
- I have being part of a well-regarded research group leaded by Dr. Luos Felipe Toledo in the Department of Animal Biology from the University of Campinas (Brazil).
- I have a PhD in Applied Ecology by the University of Sao Paulo (2013). In addition, I also have experience as professor in biological sciences by the Federal University of Sao Carlos (Brazil).
- In 2016 I have completed my first postdoctoral project with a FAPESP (Foundation of Amparo à State Research Sao Paulo) fellowship.
- During the last three years I have been specializing on bioacoustics analyzes,acoustic signals function and evolution of animal communication, counting with a collaboration from the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), where I carried out an internship as a visiting researcher.