Department of Environmental,
Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies,
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli,
via Vivaldi 43, 81100 Caserta,
Adriano Stinca
Department of Environmental,
Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies,
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli,
via Vivaldi 43,
81100 Caserta,
Research Interests:
agriculture (all aspect), floristic analyses, vegetation science, and biodiversity assessment.
- He is botanist and agronomist, with interests in agriculture (all aspect), floristic analyses, vegetation science, and biodiversity assessment.
- His research mission is to understand the patterns and processes of species assembly in relation to spatial and temporal scales, to improve the methods for assessing species diversity and to transfer such knowledge to applied to the management and conservation policies.
- Ethnobotanical use of fig (Ficus carica L.) in southern Italy.
- At the intersection of cultural and natural heritage: Distribution and conservation of the type localities of Italian endemic vascular plants.
- New alien vascular species for the flora of southern Italy.
- Towards a better understanding of the ruppia maritima complex (Ruppiaceae): Notes on the correct application and typification of the names R. cirrhosa and R. spiralis.
- Orchis italica poir. (orchidaceae): Rediscovery after four centuries of a presumably extinct species in mt. Vesuvius, Italy.
- First european record of solandra maxima (sessé & moc.) p.s.green (solanaceae).
- Plant invasions on small Mediterranean islands: An overview.
- VIOLA - database of high mountain vegetation of central apennines.