Faculty of Sciences and technics of Dassa / Université d'Abomey-Calavi · Laboratory of Botany, Applied Plant Ecology and Forest Genetics.
Ewedje Eben-Ezer
Faculty of Sciences and technics of Dassa / Université d'Abomey-Calavi · Laboratory of Botany, Applied Plant Ecology and Forest Genetics.
Research Interests:
- Conservation
- Genetics
- Molecular Ecology
- Phylogeography
- Microsatellites.
- Ebenezer Ewédjè was a post-graduate researcher at ULB (2015-2017), through the grant of the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (Belspo). His research focuses on reconstructing the history of African rainforest dynamics around the ‘Dahomey Gap’ (a wide savanna corridor characterized by a locally dry climate within the African rain forests) using molecular markers. He received his PhD’s degree from ULB since 2012 after which he has been recruited as Lecturer-researcher in his native country (Faculty of Sciences and Technics of Dassa, Polytechnic University of Abomey, BENIN, West Africa).
- His research interests include botany, ecology and forest genetics on African endangered and food tree species.
- As a botanist and plant ecologist, he is also a consultant in the field of environmental and social impacts of development projects on ecosystems especially those concerning the construction of power line to strength electricity.
- He is author and co-author of seven articles and two chapters of books.
- He presented three international oral communications.
- Potentiel semencier et contraintes à la régénération par graines de Haematostaphis barteri, espèce fruitière autochtone au Nord-Ouest Bénin.
- Assessment of genetic diversity among cultivated Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum, Poaceae) accessions from Benin, West Africa.
- Breeding system, gene dispersal and small-scale spatial genetic structure of a threatened food tree species, Pentadesma butyracea (Clusiaceae) in Benin.
- Diversity Status and Traditional Uses of Pearl Millet in Benin Northern.
- Does the Domestication of Yam Wild Type Dioscorea praehensilis and Dioscorea abyssinica has a Genetic Basis?
- The Aqueous Extract of Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae) Effectively Treat Induced Anemia. Experimental Study on Wistar Rats.
- Ethnobotanic study and agro-morphological evaluation of varieties of the minor crop, Kersting’s groundnut (Macrotyloma geocarpum) in Benin.
- Reproductive biology of Pentadesma butyracea (Clusiaceae), source of a valuable non timber forest product in Benin.