Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology

Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology

Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Article Processing Charges

Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (JAPST) is committed to ensuring the highest standards of quality and integrity in the publication of scientific research. In order to cover the costs associated with the publication process, we charge Article Processing Charges (APCs) to authors or their institutions upon acceptance of their manuscript for publication.

JAPST supports the Open Access publication model, which allows research to reach the entire scientific community without any restrictions. Article processing charges are necessary for sustaining the journal's operations and maintaining high-quality publishing standards because they help cover the costs associated with peer review, editing, production, and dissemination of the research

To cover the costs of publication, an Article Processing Charge is essential and the charge levied for each article of any type upon acceptance is $2100 USD.


Why charge?

By collecting the Article Processing Charge from authors, institutions, or research funding bodies, we cover the various publishing services like:

  • Professional Author service: Dedicated personal assistance to authors and readers 24X7.
  • Editorial work: Rapid Peer review process with excellent administrative support.
  • Open accessAll the published articles are available for free to all interested online visitors.
  • Production of articles: Formatting and markup of articles and inclusion in indexing services.
  • Copyright: All articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  • Promoting of published content: Making sure readers and researchers know about the work published.
  • Memberships: Become a member of our active collaboration, pursue ambitious objectives in a highly professional environment.
  • Technical innovation and frameworkImprovement, maintenance, and operation of websites and online manuscript zone system.


Special Waivers:

  • Editors and Reviewers: Our editors and reviewers can avail of many exciting waivers of up to 30% on the original APC charges and if any other waivers are available at that time, they cannot be used in combination. 
  • Authors: We provide special waivers to the authors from lower-middle and low-income countries by providing partial waivers depending on the level of inconvenience. 
  • Students: If you are a student and lack funds, we allow a special charge of $720 USD flat for any type of publication. Hence students belonging to this category can utilize the special charge.

Note: Students must have original ID proof from the corresponding university.


Is there any withdrawal charge?

Authors who wish to withdraw their manuscript from JAPST must adhere to our withdrawal policy. A formal request must be submitted to the editorial office, and a withdrawal fee may be applicable if the manuscript is retracted after undergoing substantial editorial processing. A 50% withdrawal charge will be imposed if a paper is withdrawn after 3 days of submission. Please take this into consideration before submitting a manuscript.

How to Pay?

Upon approval, an email is sent with a payment link and instructions all you have to do is click the link and finish the payment process.

If you require any further information, feel free to contact us at ✉ [email protected]


Last Updated on 03rd April 2023


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