Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology

Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology

Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (JAPST) is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge in the fields of pharmaceutical science and technology.  JAPST serves as an essential resource for researchers, practitioners, and scholars. The journal is indexed in prominent global databases, ensuring wide visibility, academic recognition, and access to a diverse audience of professionals in pharmaceutical sciences.

  • Directory of Research Journals Indexing: Featured in the DRJI, enhancing the article’s visibility within academic research networks.
  • ResearchBib: Listed in ResearchBib, providing global recognition and accessibility for academic research.
  • Advanced Sciences Index: Indexed in the Advanced Sciences Index, reinforcing the article’s standing in advanced scientific research.
  • IP Indexing: Included in IP Indexing, ensuring the article's accessibility across global academic and research platforms.
  • Cosmos Impact Factor: Indexed in CIF, showcasing the article's scholarly influence and citation impact.
  • CiteFactor: Indexed in CiteFactor, broadening the article's reach within the global scholarly community.

Research Visibility: Articles Accessible on Premier Repository and Social Networking Platforms

  • Research Gate

1. Characterization of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Cholecalciferol Using LC-MS and GC-MS Spectrometry
2. Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Determination of Febuxostat in Human Plasma to Support A Bioequivalence Study
3. Understanding Ubl-Rpn1 Intermolecular Interaction
4. The Application of Immunoglobulins Immune Response in the Discovery and Development of Safe Therapeutic Agents: A Review Article
5. Invivo Impact of Malaria and HIV Co-Infection on CD4 Cell Count of Infected Patients of Niger Delta Extraction

Research Impact: Articles Indexed in Leading Academic Search Engines 

  • Google Scholar
  • Semantic Scholar

1. Effect of Nonionic Surfactants and HPMC F4M on the Development of Formulations of Neuro-EPO as a Neuroprotective Agent
2. Evaluation of SterculiaUrens Gum as Novel Carrier for Oral Colon Targeted Drug Delivery System
3. Synthesis and Analysis of Copper Neem (Azadirechta Indica) Soap-Nitro and Ethoxy Benzothiazole Complexes for Anti-Bacterial Activity Related with Skin Diseases
4. Yasmin Induced Pulmonary Embolism: a Case Report

Academic Impact: Articles Indexed in Prestigious University Libraries

  • Lund University

1. Selective Cytotoxicity of Damsin Derivatives in Breast Cancer Cells

Article Accessibility through Major Indexing Platforms

  • Research Bible
  • Euro pub
  • Scilit

1. Acute and Subacute Toxicity Evaluation of the Stem Bark Aqueous Extract of Harungana Madagascariensis in Rodents
2. Assessment of Self Medication Practice and Drugs Storage Among South Sudanese Community in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
3. Effect of Nonionic Surfactants and HPMC F4M on the Development of Formulations of Neuro-EPO as a Neuroprotective Agent
4. Analysis of Isotopic Abundance Ratio of Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Metronidazole Using LC-MS and GC-MS Spectrometry

Indexed in some other platforms:

  • Colab

1. Proximate, Mineral and Antinutrient Compositions of Natural Cocoa Cake, Cocoa Liquor and Alkalized Cocoa Powders Sourced in Nigeria

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences