International Journal of Human Anatomy

International Journal of Human Anatomy

International Journal of Human Anatomy

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

Submit Manuscript

About The Journal


The International Journal of Human Anatomy (IJHA) is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes cutting-edge research in the fields of anatomy, physiology, histology, embryology, and related disciplines of biological sciences. IJHA provides a platform for researchers, clinicians, and students to share their findings and ideas about the complex structure and function of the human body. The journal is dedicated to advancing the understanding of human anatomic structures, systems, and processes, and to providing detailed information about their relationships to other body systems.



The primary objective of IJHA is to enhance understanding and knowledge of the intricate structure and operations of the human body. IJHA also encourages authors to submit articles from a variety of perspectives, including those with clinical, research, and developmental emphasis.

IJHA also provides authors with an opportunity to reach a global audience through open access platform. Every article published in the journal is available to anyone, anywhere, free of charge. This allows authors to make an impact not only in their own field of research, but on a wider audience of researchers, clinicians, and students.


Scope of the Journal

IJHA covers a wide range of topics including, but not limited to:

  • Gross Anatomy
  • Histology
  • Embryology
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Comparative Anatomy
  • Clinical Anatomy
  • Anatomical Techniques and Methodologies
  • Anatomical Education and Teaching Innovations


Submission Guidelines

  • Abstract: All research papers should include an abstract of up to 250 words.
  • Manuscript: The text should be accompanied by clear and detailed figures and diagrams, and complete references.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Authors should declare any conflicts of interest at the beginning of the manuscript.
  • Ethical Publication Policies: Papers must adhere to the journal's ethical publication policies as laid out in the Publication Ethics section.
  • Peer Review Standards: Peer reviewers must adhere to the journal's standards of confidentiality and objectivity.
  • Methods and Techniques: Authors are encouraged to use standard methods and techniques and submit supplementary material whenever appropriate.

Submission Process: All submissions can be done at Online Manuscript Submission System. Authors are requested to submit their articles directly to Online Manuscript Submission or send via email as an attachment to the Editorial Office.

For detailed preparation guidelines, please visit Instruction for Author page.


Advantages of the IJHA

IJHA aims to promote excellence in anatomical science and education through the dissemination of research and scholarship in the form of original research contributions, brief reviews, and commentary. IJHA seeks to provide an important platform for those exploring the anatomy of the human body and to promote the understanding of the unique characteristics of the human body.

IJHA adheres to rigorous peer review and quality assurance standards. All research submitted to the journal is thoroughly reviewed for originality, correctness, completeness, and relevance to the topic. Moreover, IJHA is committed to providing authors with a quick and efficient publication process. IJHA offers rapid publication times, easy submission procedures, and an efficient review process. The journal also takes into consideration the ethical conduct of research and its practical application to the human body.


Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of IJHA consists of respected and experienced professionals who review the original research papers, review articles, and short communications that are published in the journal. Each article is meticulously evaluated for scientific accuracy, originality, and contribution to the field, as well as for adherence to ethical guidelines. The Editorial Board takes an active role in the dissemination of knowledge to the wider scientific community, while also providing guidance and feedback to authors. The Board members are selected for their expertise and experience in the field of human anatomy and their dedication to the advancement of scientific knowledge.


Article Processing Charges

To support open access and the rigorous peer review process, IJHA applies an Article Processing Charge (APC) for accepted manuscripts. This fee covers the costs associated with the publication process, including editorial work, peer review, typesetting, and online hosting. The APC ensures that the research remains freely accessible to the global scientific community without subscription barriers.

For detailed information on the APC, including payment options and any possible waivers or discounts, please visit APC page.


Instructions for Authors

IJHA encourages submissions from authors of all backgrounds. Authors are invited to submit their articles for publication in the IJHA. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and has been approved by all authors. The journal also follows a single-blind peer-review process to ensure only the best quality of publication. After submission, the articles will undergo an initial review process by the Editor. The authors will be notified of the decision regarding their article and will be given suggestions, if any, for further improvement.



  • Nikolay A Kiryanov, Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Russia: The editorial board of the International Journal of Human Anatomy makes high demands to the authors and their articles. At the same time, the editors are benevolent, patient and persevering and this allows authors of articles to quickly correct mistakes and submit high-quality articles. 
  • Abdelmonem Hegazy, Zagazig University, Egypt: Thanks for your great effort in processing and reviewing the paper. I appreciate your patience as well as your swift response to any query regarding the authors. It's my pleasure to be under the journal request to participate in the evaluation and reviewing the submitted papers to our respectable journal "International Journal of Human Anatomy". 


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