Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology

Editorial Board

Plant and Animal Ecology-Landscape ecology-Yu Peng

Yu Peng

Editorial Board

Associate Professor of Ecology.

Plant and Animal Ecology-Forest biomass estimation Fractal geometry in forest science Tree allometry Tree biomechanics
-Dimitris Zianis

Dimitris Zianis

Editorial Board

Department of Forestry and Management of Natural Environment (TEI of THESSALY)

Plant and Animal Ecology-Ecology in general-Jasmin Mantilla Contreras

Jasmin Mantilla Contreras

Editorial Board

Department of Biology, University of Hildesheim

Plant and Animal Ecology-Ecology-Alfred Matafwali Sichilima

Alfred Matafwali Sichilima

Editorial Board

Copperbelt University, Department of Biological Sciences, School of Mathematics and Natural Scien

Plant and Animal Ecology-Chemical synthesis of metal oxides; ZnO and TiO based photocatalytic materials for environmental applications; Structural and morphological characterization of nanostructured materials (SEM-Narcisa Vrinceanu

Narcisa Vrinceanu

Editorial Board

Faculty of Engineering, "Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu / 4 Emil Cioran Street, 550025

Plant and Animal Ecology- Electrical and Electronic Engineering

-Ali Mahmood Humada

Ali Mahmood Humada

Editorial Board

PhD in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Renewable and Sustainable Energy.

Plant and Animal Ecology--Gustavo Crespo Lopez

Gustavo Crespo Lopez

Editorial Board

Instituto de Ciencia Animal

Plant and Animal Ecology-Study of the water cycle and the influence of vegetation.-Issam Moussa

Issam Moussa

Editorial Board

University of Toulouse · Laboratory for Production Engineering · Ecologie- environn

Plant and Animal Ecology-Plant Ecology-Francesco Primo Vaccari

Francesco Primo Vaccari

Editorial Board

Institute of Biometeorology National Research Council IBIMET- CNR

Plant and Animal Ecology-Ecology-Mirna Habuda-Stanic

Mirna Habuda-Stanic

Editorial Board

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Franje Kuhaca 20, H

Plant and Animal Ecology-Geological Co2 Sink
-Wenfeng Wang

Wenfeng Wang

Editorial Board

Ecology and Environment

Plant and Animal Ecology-Carbon Cycling in Forest Ecosystem Climate Change Impact on Forests Soil Microbial Community
-Yanchun Liu

Yanchun Liu

Editorial Board

School of Life Science, Henan University

Plant and Animal Ecology-Microbial Physiology and Metabolism-Dr. SYLVESTER IZAH


Editorial Board

Department of Biological Sciences,  Faculty of Science,  Bayelsa Medical Univer

Plant and Animal Ecology-Climatesmartagriculture:

 promotion and support efficient use of natural resources that improve food security-Mohamed Elfadl

Mohamed Elfadl

Editorial Board

University of Helsinki.

Plant and Animal Ecology-Crop management-Shen Yuan

Shen Yuan

Editorial Board

Department of Agronomy, College of Plant Science & Technology, Huazhong Agricultural Unive
